These micronutrients have been proven over time to be necessary for health and fitness, but are in short supply in most modern diets. It only takes a tiny amount of these nutrients, but, if missing from the diet, they can cause giant health problems with names like scurvy, night blindness, anemia, etc. Many vitamin supplements are available at varying strengths and qualities. Be careful, because too much of some vitamins can be as harmful as too little. You can get recommended amounts, natural sources and benefits of specific vitamins from our page, Vitamin Benefits List.
Like Vitamins, it only takes a tiny amount (micronutrient) of each mineral to avoid serious health problems (like anemia, bone disease, depression, etc), but with more processed and prepared foods in our diets, less minerals are available. Also, like vitamins, too much of a specific mineral can cause serious health problems. See our pages on Nutritional Supplements for guidelines on how to choose mineral supplements. Also see Minerals Good For The Body for our recommended amounts, natural sources and benefits of specific minerals.
Phytochemicals are not considered genuine nutrients, but the microscopic amounts found in foods have been proven to be very beneficial in the body. One of the best known is Beta Carotene, an antioxidant that can help the body protect against cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). Phytochemicals called Flavonoids behave in the same way. Others make it possible for the body to break down and dispose of carcinogens. We won't list the Phytochemicals here, but you can learn about the more significant ones on our pages Other Nutrients.
If you're looking to nutrition for health and fitness, you probably want a healthy life...not just body or looks...but mind, body and spirit. You can renew your mind and spirit with God's help. He can heal the stuff your diet doesn't control. If you want His help, go to Healing From God.
Nutrition Tips
6 Basic Nutrients Groups
Antioxidant Definition
Buying Low Fat Foods
Calories In Food List
Dangers Of Trans Fat
Drinking Water
Fiber-Fruits Vegetables
Herbal Nutrition
In Defense Of Food
List Of High Fiber Foods
Low Fat High Flavor Tips
Low Fat Restaurant Food
Low Sodium Foods
Minerals Good For Body
Nutrition Supplements
Protein-Amino Acids
Vitamin Benefits List
What Is Diet?
Why Nutrition