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Plastic surgery addicts can learn to live in recovery, accepting who they are and how they look...learn how.

Hope For Plastic Surgery Addicts

I'm sure this article will offend a whole lot of people with letters after their names, while reaching a relatively few people actually addicted to plastic surgery.  Still, the few who will be helped are worth it.  I'll save time for those who don't want to read the whole article:  Plastic surgery is for people who have been disfigured by injury or illness...if that ain't you, you don't need it!  For those who want help to avoid the expense, health risks and possible disfigurement caused by plastic surgery addiction, read on.

Necessary Plastic Surgery:  Any number of situations can arise in life which make it necessary to perform plastic surgery.  The most striking are the facial birth defects that, without plastic surgery, could destine a child to the most rude and cruel existence.  Right below those are other disfiguring diseases that occur any time of life.  Skin cancer, for instance, might require plastic surgery if the person works in the public and loses a nose due to surgery.  Even breast implants might be considered necessary if a woman loses a breast to cancer.  The injuries that lead to necessary plastic surgery could be numerous.  The thing all necessary plastic surgeries have in common is a restoration of important normal features...not feature enhancement.   

Unnecessary Plastic Surgery:  Feature enhancement is the realm of the unnecessary, and the breeding ground of plastic surgery addiction.  I'll add all the drugs and surgeries for "hair restoration" which is an unnecessary enhancement, as well.  We get about half the picture if we consider all the things in addition to a head of hair we want to add to enhance our features, like cheeks, lips, labia, penile implants, buttocks, breasts, pecks, pubic hair (believe it or not), height, etc.  The other half of the story is what we want to trim, alter or remove, like excess fat, skin, hair, noses, eyebrows, eyelids, chins, wrinkles, etc. 

It says something about us if we're so unhappy we'll risk our health and pay thousands of dollars to be cut and altered.  No, a career in show business or politics doesn't justify this.  If Jimmy Durante made it big without having his nose bobbed, what makes you think you need it?  Only one thing...a terrible self-image.

Evidence Of Plastic Surgery Addiction:  It's all around!  It's often called cosmetic surgery, now, so you know it's all about how you think you look.  The root of addiction is a feeling of emptiness or inadequacy.  With anorexia nervosa, we call it body-image, but being overly concerned about your looks is the same thing.  People share plastic surgeons like they do hair-dressers, and for the same reasons.  This negative self-image is at the root of plastic surgery addiction.  

Cause Of Addiction:  You sense an inadequacy in how you look compared to how you think you should look.  Seeing a good look in someone else, or seeing a friend have plastic surgery, the idea is born that you can solve this look problem of yours through surgery.  Once it's done and healed, in time, you realize it didn't quite do the trick, so you have it redone or something else done.  That doesn't work, either, so you want more.

Even some plastic surgeons have a conscience, so they begin refusing to treat you.  You begin seeking "help" from less and less reputable doctors.  The more you do, the less you're satisfied, because the problem isn't how you's how you think you look.  This is plastic surgery addiction.  Some extreme varieties of addiction are known as a mental disorder, (Body Dismorphic Disorder).  As serious as this is, the seeds of this addiction were planted in the idea that anyone can improve on how they naturally look.  That's also where the seeds of recovery can be planted.

Addiction recovery:  It's difficult to recover from addiction so strong that repeated surgeries at increasing complexity are the "drug" of choice.  Difficult, but not impossible.  I strongly recommend medical treatment and counseling, because there are some anti-depressants that have been found effective against anorexia, bulimia and plastic surgery addiction.  Counseling is helpful to provide an objective look at yourself and for training on how to reprogram your self-image.  This is the essential step if you're going to recover from this destructive addiction. 

People who have suffered this addiction in its advanced stages have resorted to cutting and scarring themselves once the professionals refused.  Occasionally, the headlines speak of some well-known person who died or was horribly disfigured by an unscrupulous plastic surgeon.  There really is no one better looking than those who learn to be happy with the appearance nature gave them.  You can learn to be happy with how you look now, and be more beautiful than anything on a billboard or TV screen.

If you're looking to improve your looks, get to know the person who gave them to you, who loves you and wants you to be happy and fulfilled.  God can give you the best looks you can ever have.  If you want His help, go to Healing From God.

How have you dealt with a negative self-image?

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