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Calories: The Energizers is Chapter 3 of Nutrition For Dummies. This chapter defines calorie and different types, why men need more and none of us need extra calories. Nutrition For Dummies goes beyond vitamins, minerals, etc. to give us plain language information on all aspects of our nutritional needs.

Calories: The Energizers, Chapter 3, Nutrition For Dummies

Key Features In Calories: The Energizers:

I can't tell you how relieved I am after torturing myself over all the numbers in all the charts that all say I'm a fat, lazy slob.  The author lets us off the hook, somewhat, by talking about how many things can affect our "optimum" weight and how, even without those factors...every body's different.  Oh, she includes all the charts and some I haven't heard of, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of each one.  This chapter is a must read for anyone having a little challenge losing weight.

Nutrition Books:

Cutting and Counting Calories.

Get your own copy of Nutrition For Dummies so you can see what we're writing about.

For even more depth, here are the other latest For Dummies books on Nutrition

Total Longevity:

If you're looking to nutrition for health and fitness, you probably want a long, healthy life...not just body or looks...but mind, body and spirit.  You can renew your mind and spirit with God's help.  He can heal the stuff your diet doesn't control.  If you want His help, go to Healing From God.

Introduction To Nutrition For Dummies
Outline of Nutrition For Dummies
Chapter 1-What Is Nutrition, Anyway?
Chapter 2-Digestion
Chapter 3-Calories-The Energizers
Chapter 4-How Much Nutrition Do You Need
Chapter 5-On Nutritional Supplements
Chapter 6-Powerful Protein
Chapter 7-Fats And Cholesterol
Chapter 8-Carbohydrates
Chapter 9-Alcohol
Chapter 10-Vigorous Vitamins
Chapter 11-Mighty Minerals
Chapter 12-Phabulous Phytochemicals
Chapter 13-Water Works
Chapter-14-Eating Schedule
Chapter 15-Food Tastes
Chapter 16-Healthful Diet
Chapter 17-Making Wise Food Choices
Chapter 18-Restaurants...Eating Smart
Chapter 19-What Is Food Processing?
Chapter 20-Cooking And Nutrition
Chapter 21-Food Preservation
Chapter 22-Better Eating Through Additives
Chapter 23-When Food Gives You Hives
Chapter 24-Food And Mood
Chapter 25-Food And Drug Interactions
Chapter 26-Using Food As Medicine

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