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The Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine page provides information and resources to learn the benefits, food sources, deficiency-toxicity symptoms, and supplement recommendations.

Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine

Benefits And Uses For Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine:

B-6 helps the body convert protein, carbohydrates and fats into energy.  It helps with anemia, depression and malaise.  Large doses may be used to counteract side effects of some chemotherapies. 

Deficiency Symptoms Of Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine:

Depression, anemia, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, mouth soreness, kidney stones, diabetes, PMS symptoms.

Toxicity (Overdose) Symptoms Of Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine:

Extremely low toxicity.  Very large injections 100-200 mg + may result in sleepiness and in very rare instances, nerve ending damage.

Foods High In Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine:

Organ meats, yeast, grains, potatoes, walnuts, peas, avocados, pears, bananas, ocean fish.

Supplements Of Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine:

The recommended 2.5 mg is present in any balanced diet.  Natural multi-vitamin or B-complex supplements usually contain enough B-6 to handle any normal bodily demand for the vitamin.

Health And Fitness For Life:

People looking for nutrient information usually want to avoid health problems, get the most out of life and the most life they can.  Not just physical existence, but mental and spiritual.  If you're looking for more than body or looks in your health and fitness goals, you can find it spiritually through God.  He can heal the stuff your diet doesn't control and bring real health and fitness to your life.  If you want His help, go to Healing From God

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