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Gout Causes covers the causes, signs, symptoms and treatment, along with what you can do to fight this disease.

Gout Causes

Causes Of Gout:

Gout is a common and painful form of Arthritis.  It's caused by body chemicals building up in joints, causing pain and swelling.  A few of the many causes of Gout are some medications, alcoholism, overeating, infection, Psoriasis, Thyroid Problems, Arthritis and Hypertension

Signs And Symptoms Of Gout:

Some of the signs and symptoms of Gout are swelling, tenderness, fever, chills, severe throbbing pain.

Treatment Of Gout:

Your doctor has a large arsenal of weapons to fight this disease, depending on the type and underlying causes.  The doctor should also give you a list of foods to avoid or reduce because they make the disease more severe.

What You Can Do About Gout:

To help fight the causes of Gout and to overcome deficiencies caused by medical drugs you can Supplement your diet with natural Multi-Vitamins and Multi-Minerals, along with extra doses of the following:

Antioxidants; including Beta Carotene, Flavonoids, Vitamin A, Zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and CoQ10.
Lipoic Acid; at least 200 mg divided into 2-3 doses per day.
Organic Germanium; 300-450mg divided into 3 doses a day.
Fiber; 12-15 grams extra from vegetable sources or supplements.
Omega 3; 3 per day, 1 at beginning of each meal.
Vitamin B Complex
Garlic; 3 cloves per day.
Drinking Clean Water; 2-3 quarts daily.
Avoid foods with high sugar, salt or fat content.
Check with your doctor about possible drug interactions before changing your nutritional habits. 

Complete Healing:

We both know there are no guaranteed cures, whether in medicine, nutrition, herbs or anything else.  Complete healing...including mind, body and possible, from God.  If you want God's help with your health problem, go to Healing From God.

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